Lots of movement happening in my little art world! Been spending the majority of my time these days thinking about and executing ideas for a group show that I’m going to be in towards the end of August! Yes, finally taking some bigger steps at getting exposure. It has been equal parts exhilarating and scary! More than ever I’m having to consider what my artistic voice is and maintaining a healthy level of confidence about it. There is so much more I can say about that, but that is for a later post!
For now I just wanted to share some excitement about this influx of creative energy and progress. Don’t laugh at my measly setup above (or fine, laugh, I don’t care lol). It’s been seeing a lot of action lately, despite it being a way less than ideal art space. So to those of you out there that think you need to have some sort of fancy art studio in order to create…you don’t. At least not when you’re just starting out! Just use whatever you have, seriously. So many of us really have no real excuse to stay stagnant about producing work. You see my spot, I don’t even have tables!
In preparation for this August show, I’ll be sharing bits and pieces of what’s gettin’ cooked up in “the lab.” So stay tuned for more updates and pics coming soon!